The brief

Seek and Heard is a digital marketing agency based in Sydney that doesn't have an online presence and relies solely on personal connections.

However, in today's digital age, having a strong online presence is critical for business success.

Our team of three, focused on creating a brand new mobile experience to help Natasha connect with potential clients and establish a strong online presence for her business.

Growing market

The continual growth of the marketing industry tells us the growing need for digital marketing for businesses.

Our research tells us that there is a high demand for user-friendly website that provide clear information about services agencies offer.

Key trends

Competition in the marketing space is so high, that it is crucial for Seen & Heard to establish a strong digital presence.

User research

To gather deeper insights, we used a combination of  surveys and user interviews to understand what small businesses and owners are looking for.

We asked business owners about their digital marketing habits, needs, and motivations in a survey.

We also wanted to know if they have had any problems with trust or reliability when choosing an agency.

User behaviours

According to our google surveys, there is an equal amount of users who prefer to;

● Handle their own marketing content,

● Hire an in-house employee, and

● Choose a marketing agency.

Summing up

Users are inclined to seek support from reliable professionals that holds integrity and have values they could align with.

They also prioritise results over pricing, and would appreciate a good communication with personalised service catered specifically to their needs.

The Persona, say hi to Sarah!

Our persona is Sara, she needs to look for a digital marketing expert to handle her fourth cafe location.

She values building authentic relationships, being transparent, and acting with integrity in  her business dealings.

Sarah's problem statement

Sarah needs a way to recognise integrity in a marketing provider so that she can select the one that aligns with her values


From our problem statement we conducted HMW’s to help us think outside the box.

Our strongest hmw is: HMW present the core values, strength, and personality of a marketing provider online in a way that displays integrity?

Linking ideas

As a result, The key components of our solution include:

A survey to gather information for potential clients.

A conversational onboarding page that reflects the brand image.

Personalised onboarding questions using Bite sized information design.

Refining our idea

Our solution statement is: Designing an onboarding focused website that allows users to explore SEEN &HEARDs values through a bite sized conversational format.

How will it feel?

After an extensive brand identity workshop with Natasha, we found out that being 'playful and welcoming' is the personality that she and Seen and Heard aligns with the most.

This is the personality we will display to our users, while also showcasing her brand integrity (honesty, transparency, authenticity).

Some inspirations

Looking at what some of our competitors and comparators are doing, Bossy Copywriting, Smack Bang Designs and the Adobe CQ interactive survery site -

We have identified a few key elements that we could learn from.

How it works

Our flow intends to create a two way information gathering process where users will first discover values of Seen and Heard before reaching a forked path for a slightly personalised enquiry form filling experience.

This information will then be gathered for Seen and heard to make their next set of moves, and hopefully turn leads into clients.

From sketch to digital

Moving forward, these are some of the sketches of wireframes that the team has ideated on to integrate personality and values, while emphasising bite sized conversations throughout the website.

We then came up with a low-mid fidelity prototype which contains all the minimal features and functionality required for user testing purposes.

Usability testing

We expected users to be highly engaged and excited about the experience but here are the feedback received instead.

They were feeling confused and frustrated by the lengthy, text heavy process.

They felt like they were getting trapped in a form without knowing much about the business or the person behind it.

Evaluating the feedback

Refining the copy


Simple and fun interface for Seek and Heard

See prototype

Thoughts . . .

Client relationships are delicate, and it takes constant communication to make sure we are on the same page. It's also important to take

Implementing S&H's design, we had to take in consideration the brand guidelines while also making sure we didn't lose Natsha's vision for her business in our design.